EVA Cymru was the result of several discussions on social media, by a few passionate EV enthusiasts living in Wales, about electric vehicles and charging infrastructure in Wales. We each had different experience driving EVs, from some who had been driving them since it was first possible in the early 2010’s, to recent adopters, and those who drove long distances regularly and some only occasionally.

We were all aware that Electric Vehicle Associations (EVAs) had been established in England, Scotland, and Ireland, but none had been in Wales, where we all felt that EV drivers were being under represented, and suffering from poor charging infrastructure coverage as a result. Encouraged and inspired by the other EVAs and the services they were providing to their members, and after several remote meetings and discussions, EVA Cymru was finally established in January 2023 to improve all things for electric vehicle drivers in Wales.

Our Aims

  1. To represent the interests of both present and future EV owners and drivers across Wales.
    • Being the informed and authoritative public voice of electric vehicles in the media, in local and national government, and with charge-point operators.
    • Representing the interests of all plug-in electric vehicle drivers, and embracing input from our membership, including private members and corporate sponsors.
  2. To promote and encourage the widespread uptake of EVs throughout Wales.
    • Promote the transition to electric vehicles amongst non-electric vehicle users, and support and represent electric vehicle drivers in Wales.
    • Offer advice on all aspects of electric vehicles, provide guides and tips for current and prospective drivers, as well as grow an empowered community of electric vehicle drivers in Wales.
    • Promote and hold events/shows/exhibitions relating to electric vehicle ownership and driving.
  3. To work with other stakeholders to achieve these aims.
    • To work, consult and share best practices with vehicle manufacturers and dealerships, the other EVAs, Welsh government, and charge point operators.

Our values

EVA Cymru believes values drive an organisation. That is why we set out five values from the start that reflect and shape our activities and our organisation’s culture.

  • We put our members first. Our members are the heart of our organisation and we act as an independent voice for them.
  • We are inclusive. We are a diverse group of drivers, and welcome EV enthusiasts of all races, religions, genders, backgrounds, and identities to join us on our mission.
  • We are collaborative. We engage positively and constructively with others to encourage the transition to electric vehicles.
  • We are trustworthy. We work openly and transparently, producing information that drivers can rely on.
  • We are passionate. Above all, we are passionate about electric vehicles and their benefits and we seek to share that passion with others.